Monday, 20 June 2016

Top 6 Factors that Govern the Price of Indian Limestone Slab

Limestone was the go-to stone material in the medieval period. Over the course of time, Indian limestone slabs have been pushed to oblivion by easily machined marbles and quartzite stones. But even today, Indian limestone slabs are equally preferred as countertops. Limestone is a light and sturdy building material in the natural stone category.

So, if you are looking for a countertop material made of stone, give limestone slabs a shot. From the pricing point of view, here are 6 factors that determine the range in the market.

   1. Limestone variety

One of the major factor that decides the quality of limestone countertops is its age and the location of mining. The pricing can vary.

They are classified as:

  • North Indian limestones
  • South Indian limestones
The two varieties are distinct by virtue of their colour and texture. The South Indian limestones are comparatively costlier than their counterpart.
   2. Age of the stone

Older the rock, higher will be its pricing. The older limestone slabs have encountered the abrasive forces of nature, and hence are likely to be more rigid and sturdy. Indian limestone slabs used to make countertops for kitchen are exclusively quarried from deposits that are at least 2 million years old.

    3. Colour of limestone

White limestone is costlier than the greys and the beige ones. Indian limestone slabs used in countertops are usually fader shades of cream and grey. Pure white slabs are hard to extract and maintain as far as cleanliness is concerned.

    4. Purity of the stones

Limestone is subjected to corrosion and exposure to impurities in the course of its formation into a solid stone. Indian limestone slabs used in kitchen countertops have a distinct presence of impurities that give them the kind of look all designers love.

The common impurities found in the slabs are:
  • Silica
  • Alumina
  • Iron
  • Phosphorus
  • Sulphur
  • Arsenic
  • Magnesium
  • Manganese
  • Fluorine
  • Moisture

The impurities are present in the form of oxides, hydroxides and crystalline structures which could lead to deformation of the limestone slab countertop if not checked for concentration in the beginning.

    5. Type of finish

Yes, finishing is a significant factor when limestones are put for installation. Depending on the kind of structure they are going to be cut into, the Indian limestones slabs feature the following finishes:
  • Polished
  • Honed
  • Bush-hammered
Polished surfaces are costlier than the other two on account of higher reflection quality and glossy surface. Moreover, they are protected by a coating of sealing to prevent staining from oil, dirt, fluids and fingerprints.

    6. The packaging

Overall pricing is decided on the basis of intricate art work, uniformity of shade and thickness of the limestone slabs. Thicker the slab, higher is the quoted price. Thicker slabs are preferred because of their superior structural balance.
Ideal for modular kitchen because of buff texture, Indian limestone countertops is a non-conventional alternative to richly coloured quartzite, slates and marble varieties.

1 comment:

  1. Indian limestone is largest demanded stone in the world. Indian five states produce about 75 percent of the total production comes from Madhya Pradesh, Chhattisgarh, Andhra Pradesh , Rajasthan , Gujarat and Karnataka.
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