Thursday, 17 January 2019

How Natural Stones Creates Magic on the Floor?

Indian soil has always been rich with abundant resources and natural stones quarried from its womb are no less special as they have been appreciated all over the world for their fine quality and richness displayed in various monuments since the bygone days.

These Natural Stones have been put to various uses and they have never failed to aesthetically enhance the beauty of various structures, be it the smooth textured floor or ornamental walls and roofs which have stood the test of time and represented our art and culture in the most unique and memorable form.

One can say that advancement in technology and the advent of cheaper alternates have not been able to lower the demand of the natural stones as people with taste for finer things in life still understand and appreciate the value of natural things over the synthetic ones.

Had the Taj Mahal made in some synthetic stone, would it have attracted so much attention? Would it still be held in awe by its admirers from all over the world? It is not a difficult choice to make and that makes it clear as to why the natural stones are still preferred by people all across the globe.

When it comes to flooring of any structure, many choices are available with us and one important decision lies in choosing between Vitrified Tiles and Natural Stones Floor like marble, granite, slate etc. Vitrified tiles are ceramic tiles with low porosity which are made by hydraulic pressing a mixture of clay, quartz, feldspar and silica.

In short, they are the manufactured product, thus artificial. There are four basic types of vitrified tiles available. There is no doubt they have brought variety and range of colours and digital prints at cheaper cost of installation as well as their quality can be controlled which may not be the case with natural stones.

They may cost higher and require more maintenance than these tiles but longevity and natural beauty cannot be put to any competition. It may be marble flooring or granite; it stands out and wins admiring glances from one and all and those who value the beauty and grace lent by any of the natural stone flooring cannot look for alternatives because it is the long-lasting impression of nature that they seek when they make this conscious choice. 

This is the only reason that despite more practical and easy alternates, natural stone floors have still not lost their demand.

We at Elegant Granites have always been making an endeavour to bring to you the premium quality of natural stones at your doorstep, that too with great safety and caution so that our products remain unblemished or undamaged. 

One of the major reasons of being a trusted name in India and abroad is our sincerity, commitment and honesty in our dealings. Our clients and customers are never left dissatisfied and we remain with them till they demand. For us, it is of utmost importance that we deliver the variety and quality.

To know more about Indian Natural Stone Flooring, visit us and give us the opportunity to serve you.     

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